Global SMART Organization Design Meeting 2021 – Here we come!
14 - 16 September 2021
NOTE: We have experienced some problems with our registration system. If you have received a receipt on e-mail after registration, you are good to go. If you think you have registered, but didn’t receive a receipt – please contact hanne.finnestrand@ntnu.no
We strive for a hybrid conference design. This means that we will have:
1. On-site workshops, presentations and deliberations in Trondheim, Norway. This setting is aimed for all members that are able to participate in-person in Trondheim.
2. Online workshops, presentations and deliberations. This setting is aimed at worldwide members who cannot travel to the conference site due to pandemic travel restrictions.
Pre-recorded empirical cases
We will prepare pre-recorded empirical cases for part 1 and part 2, and make sure that worldwide members can join the on-site workshops by means of online video participation.
Online participants will also have the opportunity to watch live streams of key notes, speakers and cases.
Let’s meet across the globe in joint deliberations!
The theme of our conference will be ‘Participation in the age of Blurring Organizational Boundaries’. From recent global network meetings, (2017-2019), it is apparent that within and between organizations, boundaries between individual tasks, teams and (networks of) organizations are becoming increasingly blurry. The use of novel (digital) technologies results in increased interconnectedness and opportunities for collaboration. These developments clearly challenge traditional ways of organizing work, but they also challenge traditional ways in which workers organize themselves and their participation in design of work process and work conditions. Thus, in the Global SMART organization design meeting, Trondheim 2021, we will address two sub themes in this age of blurring organizational boundaries:
• Shifting Industrial relations
• Impermanent organizations.
Moreover, experiences from the coronavirus pandemic have indisputably made a huge impact on work practices and eventually organization design. Although the pandemic is not the main focus of the 2021 meeting, it will guide the discussions with the different cases. What have we learned? And where do we go from here? So, we welcome you to Trondheim – Norway – Scandinavia. Join us for a rewarding experience of in-person or on-line participation!
Grand Opening
GMT : 1800-2200
CEST: 20:00-24:00
Sydney: 04:00-08:00
New York: 1400-1800
San Francisco: 11:00-15:00
NTNU Campus Gløshaugen & Hybrid
Welcome Speech

We welcome you to NTNU campus Gløshaugen for welcoming drinks and snacks, to meet new and old friends in our community in a hybrid setting. The hybrid setting enables all of us to engage with each other both online and on-site.
There will be held a welcome speech by the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management at NTNU, professor Monica Rolfsen.
The venues
Clarion Hotel Brattøra

1190 NOK/night
For booking:
Call: +47 73 92 55 00 or
Mail: groups.cl.trondheim@chocie.no
Use booking code: GR020950
899 NOK/night
710 NOK/night
NTNU Campus Gløshaugen

The Grand Opening will be held at the Gløshaugen campus at NTNU. The Gløshaugen campus is the oldest campus at NTNU and houses researchers and students within in technical and natural sciences programs.
The Team

Hanne Finnestrand
Associate Professor of Organization development at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. She holds a PhD in Action Research and Organization development from the same university. Finnestrand’s research area is action research in the fields of organization development, industrial relations, and socio-technical systems design. She is currently deputy editor of the Springer journal Systemic Practice and Action Research and on the editorial reviewer board of the Emerald journal The Learning Organization .
Johan E. Ravn
Professor of Leadership and organization at Nord University, Norway and senior research scientist at the SINTEF foundation. Research interests include organization, leadership, collaborative industrial relations, and sociotechnical systems theory, and he has conducted action research in many manufacturing systems. He has published and been guest editor in several journals, and in September 2019 he co-organized a special issue on “Socio-Technical Systems Thinking in Manufacturing” for the open access journal European Journal of Workplace innovation.


Matthijs Moorkamp
Assistant Professor of Organizational Design and Development at the Nijmegen School of Management of Radboud University. He obtained a PhD from Delft University of Technology. His research focuses on organizational design in temporary organizations that operate in crisis contexts, such as the expeditionary organizations of the (Dutch) armed forces and crisis management organizations. Matthijs was part of the multidisciplinary research team that evaluated national crisis response organization that was established after the disaster with flight MH17.
Laila Øyangen
Administrative apprentice at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Laila is responsible for the administrative work for the conference in Trondheim.
If you have any practical questions don´t hesitate to take contact with her by email or phone.

Suggested pre-readings
On the Nordic / Norwegian model: political economy, organization of work life, industrial relations, other institutional arrangements
Some classical sociotechnical writings that illustrate the Norwegian/Scandinavian STS tradition
Newer Norwegian STS approaches
The rest of the special issue of EJWI centered on STS can be accessed here:
Practical information
How to get to Trondheim
By plane
Trondheim Airport Værnes is approximately 30 km north east of Trondheim.
Getting from Trondheim airport to the city centre.
By train
Train to Trondheim: Trondheim Central station is situated at the outskirts of the city centre, within walking distance to the hotel.
Getting around in Trondheim
Use local buses to explore Trondheim.
Mobile app to purchase tickets:
Mobile app to plan your bus trip:
Corona virus
There are few Covid19 cases in Trondheim these days, and things look very promising for a restriction-free STS meeting 2021. We still have to keep in mind that the situation may change. You can read more about the ongoing corona situation in Norway here.
Administrative and practical issues:
Laila Bergsrønning Øyangen
+47 73559126
General issues:
Hanne Finnestrand
+47 99024720